Intergalactic Art Car Festival


LYFT believes that moving people from place-to-place is an experience all in itself. They were the brainchild of the Intergalactic Art Car Festival, part amazing visual experience, part local art awareness movement.

LYFT believes that moving people from place-to-place is an experience all in itself. They were the brainchild of the Intergalactic Art Car Festival, part amazing visual experience, part local art awareness movement.

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To create an elevated experience that will resonate with today's youth and captivate the imagination of future users by solidifying their position as the hip and trustworthy rideshare service.

To create an elevated experience that will resonate with today's youth and captivate the imagination of future users by solidifying their position as the hip and trustworthy rideshare service.


By working closely with LYFTs Marketing team, Production Theory was set to develop an Art Car parade along Las Vegas Boulevard, ending in Downtown Las Vegas, where a festival-style setting was curated for guests to enjoy the incredible Art Cars and their owners.

By working closely with LYFTs Marketing team, Production Theory was set to develop an Art Car parade along Las Vegas Boulevard, ending in Downtown Las Vegas, where a festival-style setting was curated for guests to enjoy the incredible Art Cars and their owners.

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Over 10,000 attendees from across the region attended to support local art programs and enjoy a visual spectacle never seen before in Las Vegas. The event also received international coverage from the Los Angeles Times, Forbes and many more.

Over 10,000 attendees from across the region attended to support local art programs and enjoy a visual spectacle never seen before in Las Vegas. The event also received international coverage from the Los Angeles Times, Forbes and many more.

Photo Gallery